In the December 17 Nike shox NZ released quarterly, as at November 30, Nike Greater China revenue in 404 million U.S. dollars, down 3%, of which footwear revenues 210 million U.S. dollars, down 1%, apparel revenues 170 million U.S. dollars, down 7%, sports equipment, income of 25 million U.S. dollars, down 2%. Reduction in income at the same time, Nike NZ Greater China sales and administrative expenses increased costs lead to lower profit margins. Nike Greater China EBIT (EBIT) up by 7%, reduced to 126 million.
However, when compared with the previous quarter, revenue decline narrowed. 6 August this year, Nike shox NZ Greater China revenue in 416 million U.S. dollars, down 16% decline this quarter has been narrowed to 3%. From the orders of view, the Nike Greater China region appears to be improvement in market prospects. Is expected in December 2009 ~ April 2010 shipment of orders, large volume of orders in China rose 4% this year, in June ~ August, Greater China year on year reduction in the volume of orders, or 6%.
Nike air max 97 Greater China area including Mainland China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan three markets, according to Nike's earnings report in June of this year to 11 months of 6-month period, Nike's revenue in Greater China totaled 820 million U.S. dollars. A sports person in charge of domestic enterprises, said this year is expected Nike air max 97's sales in the mainland market from the previous year to 100 billion to 7 billion to 80 billion yuan, Li Ning, the first half of this year already exceeded 4 billion yuan of income, is likely to exceed Nike riding the top spot in the Mainland.